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Yahka's Rose Petal



OVC Hips Normal--0024736

OVC Elbows Normal--0024736

OFA Heart: NF-CA1965/30F/C-PI

CERF: NF-905

Cystinuria: Normal by parentage


Photo by Jan Rawling

Our dear Rosie turned 12 years old.  She is still the old matriarch of the household, with the other dogs still deferring to her.  While a little stiff when getting up, she runs in the yard once she gets going.  (Not for long, and not far, but will still jog out to meet us when we come home.)

She is almost completely deaf.  Fortunately, had taught her hand signals, while also using verbal commands, so she still understands what we want, but she can no longer hear us when we say 'No'.  Had not taught her a hand signal for 'No', so she pretty much does whatever she pleases!

She barks for her treat every evening after dinner, and will often try her luck at breakfast as well, often awakening the whole house, so needless to say, she again, gets what she wants.

Ever the busy-body, when a new litter of pups arrives, she must still go in and check them out, although she is no longer interested in their rambunctious play, and will  not visit with them for long.

We are so grateful for the time we have had with Rosie, and are hoping for at least another year with old Rose!


Bronwyn & Rosie  Rosie on her 13th birthday!

Happy 13th birthday Rosie!!!

February 2015



Happy 12th birthday Rosie!    Rosie

Happy 12th birthday Rosie!!!

February 2014



Rosie with lamb friend Rosie with lamb friend

 Rosie with lamb friend Rosie with lamb friend

April 2012

We were away in April, and Rosie stayed with friends at Swallowtail Farm.  She was a perfect nurse maid for this little lamb.



Happy 10th Birthday Rosie!!!

Happy 10th birthday Rosie!

February 2012




Newfoundland puppy image: A Rosie pup


A great shot of Rosie just after getting out of the water!


Rosie having fun in the water!

November 2007

Photos by Jan Rawling


photo: Newfoundland dog: Rosie
photo: Newfoundland dog: Rosie

Photo: Rosie sleeping in the sandbox.

Photo: Rosie (sitting) and Navy

Photos by Christa Matthews

June 2006


Photo: Rosie hanging out in the sandbox with Bronwyn

Photo by Christa Matthews

June 2006


This is our irrepressible Rosie.  Life is always an adventure with her.  Rosie has her own ideas, (is not necessarily eager to please!) but is always up for an adventure.

Rosie is the happiest, most  even tempered girl we have ever owned.  She has many friends, including her particular favorites, our mail and newspaper delivery people  who  leave her treats in the mailbox.    (She eagerly awaits their arrival; and even knows the sound of their vehicles and runs to the gate when she hears them coming!)

She is such a 'nanny' dog, that on one occasion when my youngest did not want to accompany me on an outing, she suggested that she could stay home with Rosie, because Rosie could babysit her!

Rosie is Landseer recessive.



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Linda Macdonald
Perth, Ontario
Canada K7H 3C6
(613) 264-1550

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